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Chicks & Chucks

A resource for breast cancer patients who require products/services and may need assistance in acquiring what they need in their battle against this disease.

CHICKS & CHUCKS was established in 2004 by a promise made to GOD by Cathy Youtsey Halloran.

“God restored my health, so I promise to help others on their journey.“

Phone: (513) 841-6756

P.O. Box 76166
HighlandHeights, Kentucky 41076

Hidden Treasure

***You can make a donation to Chicks and Chucks by visiting our web site or feel free to email us for more information.


Donations can also be mailed with checks made payable to Chicks & Chucks and sent to the following address:


P.O. Box which is P.O. Box 76166

Highland Hts., KY 41076-0166